For upcoming and recent events, see
“Kinesthetic knowing in the therapeutic relationship (DSP™)”
Online workshop presented by The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland (GIC)
(Feb 2023) 12 CEU’s
“Kinesthetic knowing in the therapeutic relationship (DSP™)”
Online workshop presented by The Gestalt Training Institute of Philadelphia (GTIP)
(Feb 2023) 12 CEU’s
“The Expressive Power of Movement”
1-hour in-person and online presentation as part of ODC’s Month for Dancers’ Health
ODC’s B. Way Theater, San Francisco, CA
(Jan 2023)
Healing in Motion at ODC San Francisco, 2022-23
Workshop series of four 90 minute sessions: to get back in touch with yourself, discover a new sense of ease with others, and regain your aliveness by delighting in the power of your own movements.
~ Session 1 – Kinesthesia: rediscovering the sensuous feeling of your expressive self through movement
~ Session 2 – Kinesthetic Resonance: heighten your ability to feel your effect on others as well as your responses
~ Session 3 – Developmental Movements: Functional and expressive properties of our 6 fundamental movements
~ Session 4 – You & Me: Moving into compassion
11th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA): “Systemic Resonances and Interferences”:
2-hour workshop: “Finding each other again: kinesthetic resonance as a clinical phenomenologist’s tool”
Sigmund Freud University, Ljubljana Slovenia (September 7-10, 2022)
The Social and Emotional Impact of Dancing Together
Live interview with ODC’s Health Initiatives Program Director Rachel Abair as part of ODC Health Initiative’s monthly educational workshops on dancers’ health.
ODC’s Theater, San Francisco (February & June 2022)
Pay to watch this interview on ODC’s curated digital library here
For The Slovenian Umbrella Organization for Psychotherapy (SKZP):
Fostering Contact Online using the DSP™ Principle of Kinesthetic Resonance
Incorporating kinesthesia with the relational feel of your experience (kinesthetic resonance) when working with clients online.
Introductory Webinar followed by 3-day online workshop
(Oct/Nov 2021)
Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™– Online 1-year/120 hour training program
In collaboration with Miguel Islas at the Center for Relational Kinetics, Mexico Cit
In Spanish with translation for certification candidates in Mexico and Ecuador
(July 2021 -March 2022) Center For Relational Kinetics
Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™– 2-year training program
Assisting Ruella Frank Ph.D., as a DSP Certified Trainer, in teaching her movement-oriented and developmental approach to psychotherapy within a contemporary gestalt therapy framework.
(May 2019 -May 2021) Stockholm Sweden, then moved online due to COVID-19
To register for future DSP training programs, contact Center For Somatic Studies.
For the Graduate School of Social Work & Social Research of Bryn Mawr College,
Online Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™️
In collaboration with Gestalt therapist Karen Ginsburg LCSW, LMT
(Nov 2020) 10 CEU’s

The International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy (IAAGT)
IAAGT Biennial Conference: Edges of Exile and Belonging
Reconnecting Through Kinesthetic Resonance: 2-hour workshop taught with Helena Kallner MA, MSc, UKCP reg. Gestalt Psychotherapist
In-Person County Clare, Ireland (May 2022)
This workshop focused on movement as the root of all contacting and psychological functioning, and how experiences emerge where the body meets the world. We broke down contacting into its most basic elements and attended to our immediate sensed, and aesthetic experience of our lived situation (Kinesthetic Resonance). Participants explored resonance as a way of encountering the world anew – people, things, history, nature – and life itself. In this way we offered an opportunity to re-feel our sense of integration, connection, and agency.
Fostering Contact Online using the DSP™ Principle of Kinesthetic Resonance
1-hour webinar & 3-day workshop presented by The Slovenian Umbrella Organization for Psychotherapy (SKZP)
Online (November 2021)
Creative Coping (Online)
Free intro as part of ODC’s Month for Dancers’ Health
Online (September 2021)
5th Violet Solomon Oaklander Foundation Conference
“Moving I / Feeling Me”
CEU credits and VSOF certification hours
Online (June 2021)
This workshop integrated the Oaklander principle of expressing through play with Ruella Frank’s DSP™ concept of movement as the basis for all contact from which the self emerges. Through group movement experiments and discussion, participants learn how to attend to, and experiment with, movement as a valuable form of expressive contact between themselves and their clients. For a child, this expands their sense of themself and their possibilities of how to relate to the world around them.
Fostering Contact Online using the DSP™️ Principle of Kinesthetic Resonance
Presented by The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland (GIC):
CEU training on the application of core DSP principles to the virtual clinical setting
Online (May 2021)
Dancers’ Online Emotional Support Group
As seen in Dance Magazine!
A free, ongoing, drop-in, monthly support group for dancers and movers 18+
Part of ODC’s Health Initiatives Program
A monthly support group specifically designed to address the needs of dancers, co-facilitated with Psychiatrist Nancy Marks, M.D. This group incorporates both movement therapy and talk therapy, offering a safe and compassionate environment for dancers to gather, facilitate connection, learn techniques to better manage stress, and share resources.
“It was a profound and transformative class, with a deep element of self knowledge through movement. It was new for me to be with a group of strangers where everyone lived in the same realm of curiosity and generosity.”
~ Participant in Dancers’ Emotional Support Group (2019)
Coping in a Pandemic: Wellness Series for UC Berkeley Students
Using kinesthesia as a way of navigating through this disorienting time addressing issues of belonging, collective grief, loss, alienation, and fear of not knowing what comes next.
Online (December 2020)
Kinesthetic Resonance: a Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™(DSP) perspective
2-hour experiential webinar presented by The Institute of Family Therapy, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Online (October 2020)
Presentation for Oaklander Foundation’s “Just For Now” Series
Challenging times force us to discover new ways of connecting beyond the familiar. Using principles of DSP to strengthen our relationship with our environment and each other while online. Click here for video.
Online (October 2020)
Movement Therapy And Kids
The application and benefits of movement therapy for children and babies
Presentation as part of the Integrative Pediatrics Summit, Los Angeles CA
Online (August 2020) Presentation as part of the Integrative Pediatrics Summit, Los Angeles CA
Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™️
Presented by the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland (GIC)
CEU training on the application of DSP theory to Gestalt clinical practice
In collaboration with Kirste Carlson
Online (July 2020)
Self in Motion – Munich, Germany
Guest instructor as part of Feldenkrais and yoga instructor Veronica Fischer’s 2-year certification program
Online (June 2020)
Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™️
Integrating DSP principles with current Gestalt theory and practice
Presented by The Bay Area Gestalt Institute (BAGI)
San Francisco, CA (January 2020)
Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™️
Integrating DSP principles with current Gestalt theory and practice
Presented by The Gestalt Training Institute of Philadelphia (GTIP)
In collaboration with Gestalt therapist Karen Ginsburg LCSW, LMT
Online for Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, PA (November 2019)
Moving with Meaning
This workshop was the 2nd of a series exploring the fundamental developmental movements and their significance to how we relate to each other and the world around us.
Munich, Germany (October 2019)
Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™️
A one-day training for professors, graduate and undergraduate students of Dance Therapy and Music Therapy at SRH University Heidelberg, an international university
Heidelberg, Germany (May 2019)
Self in Motion
Guest instructor as part of Feldenkrais and yoga instructor Veronica Fischer’s 2-year certification program on the evolutionary history of human movement patterns as a basis for realizing personal human potential.
Munich, Germany (May 2019)
Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™– 2-year training program
Assisting Ruella Frank Ph.D. as a DSP Certified Trainer, in teaching her movement-oriented and developmental approach to psychotherapy within a contemporary gestalt therapy framework.
NYC, USA (2017–2019)
Building Community in the Competitive World of Dance: a dancer’s guide to connection in motion
Part of “The Healthy Dancers’ Clinic at ODC“: a day-long volunteer collaboration of academic health care professionals, striving to improve the well-being and healthcare of the dance community.
ODC Dance Commons, San Francisco CA (Jan 2019)
Meeting In Motion: A Somatic Approach to Deepening Connection to Ourselves and Others
Lebensgarten, Munich Germany (May 2019)
ODC Theater Building, San Francisco, CA (Oct 2018)
As human beings, we have a primal desire to feel part of something, to belong — so what does it take to be our true selves and still feel part of a community?
Fundamental movement patterns are the basis for every gesture we make throughout our lives. By paying attention to how we use these movements in relationship to each other we become aware of our current expressive habits. This awareness presents us with new choices for interpreting and responding to others, vastly increasing our possibilities for meaningful connections.
This workshop is recommended for those interested in learning a movement-based approach to improve their ability to connect. Theoretical, experiential, and collaborative learning methods will be included in mini-lectures, interactive discussion and engaged, movement-based experiments designed to build connection in an age of increased polarization.
Meeting in Motion: Connecting Through Difference
Developmental movements to explore differences as an opportunity for connection.
TanzTendenz, Munich Germany (Nov 2017)
Studio Rituel, Paris France (Nov 2017)
Beyond Words: The Connection Between Us
Developmental movements to connect with ourselves & others
TanzTendenz, Munich Germany (Nov 2016)
Rituel Studio, Paris, France (Nov 2016)
Integrated Movement
Uniting action with intent in Pilates and life
Keana Studios, Paris, France (Nov 2015)
Moving through Change
Awareness of mind, body and self in action
Rituel Studio, Paris, France (Nov 2015)
Living Fully by Moving Fully
Workshop using developmental patterns to relearn the connection of movement to perception
TanzTendenz, Munich Germany (Nov 2014)
Working with Limitations: Injury, Aging, and Illness
2-day workshop for somatic practitioners
Keana Studio Paris France, Lebensgarten Munich Germany,
Tanzzirkus Ingolstadt, Germany (Oct 2014)
Using Perceptual Consciousness in Action in Gestalt therapy
Presentation at the annual Advanced Association of Gestalt Therapy-Southwest conference, Los Angeles (Nov 2013)
Part 3 of “Experiencing Sensory Awareness: a Traditional Model, a Clinical Application, and Beyond” with Judyth Weaver & Ginger Clark
Self Awareness Movement Classes for Eating Disorders
Group classes using movement to develop an embodied sense of self
New Dawn Residential Treatment Center, San Francisco (2013)
Expressive Movement with children at Better Future Today Orphanage & School
Siem Reap, Cambodia (2012)
Gesture as Embodiment of the System: from individual to global
Lecture and workshop for the Choreographer’s Atelier, Munich Germany & San Francisco CA (Apr 2013 & Apr 2011)
Perceptual Consciousness
Training for the members of the Bay Area Gestalt Institute, San Francisco, CA (Oct 2011)
Teaching Yourself: Using Consciousness to Guide Action
1-week intensive for Tanz Quartier Wien, Vienna Austria (4.2011)
Conscious Movement
Workshop for Pilates & sports trainers on adapting technique to individual needs, Ingolstadt, Germany (4.2011)
Functional Anatomy for Ballroom Dance Instructors
Courses for the faculty of the Ballroom Dance Teacher’s University, SF CA (2010 )
Sensing Beyond Yourself & Stimme und Praesenz fuer Unterrichtende
Course for performers & another course for teachers, both funded by Tanz & Schule & Joint Adventures, Munich Germany (May 2009)
Developmental Patterns as Rehabilitation Tools
Workshop for faculty Munich University for Sports-Science & Rehabilitation,
Germany (May 2009)
Motions Express Emotions
Course for Gestalt Therapists at the Gestalt Associates International Training Intensive, Vilnius, Lithuania (July 2008)
Embodied Sense of Self
Courses for Doctorate candidates in Gestalt Therapy at the CA Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco CA (April 2008 & April 2009)
Sensing Movement: Sensory Guides Motor
Course for performers & another for teachers at Tanz Werkstatt Europa, Munich Germany (Aug 2007)
Freeing the Lower Back: Ease of Motion in the Lumbar Spine
Course for Pilates, Gyrokinesis & fitness instructors at Sports Club LA in SF CA
(March 2007)
The Sensing Body: Increasing Responsiveness & Balance
Tanz Werkstatt Europa, Munich Germany (Aug 2006)
The Psychology of the Dancer: How to Cope in a Competitive World
Lecture & workshop at International TanzMedizin Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany
(May 2006)
Rotational Aspects of the Lower Extremities in Locomotion
Presentation & workshop at Int’l TanzMedizin Symposium, Munich, Germany (May 2005)
Importance of Asymmetry in Dynamic Stabilization
International Association of Dance Medicine & Science Conference, SF, CA (Oct 2004)
The Functional Body/Expressive Self
Course for somatic professionals and dance artists through Joint Adventures, Munich, Germany (Oct 2003)
Course funded by Independent Dance at The Jerwood Space, London, England (Oct 2003)
The Role of the Nervous System in Functional Movement (10.2003)
Course for Movement Analyst degree candidates at The Laban Centre, London, England
Seminar at the London Contemporary School of Dance, London England
(Oct 2003 & Oct 2004)
Beyond Pilates: Integration of somatic methods for dancers, somatic teachers & physiotherapists
Courses as part of Tanz Werkstatt Europa, Munich, Germany (Aug 2001-2005)
Applications of Osteopathy and Pilates-based movement for rehabilitation
Courses co-taught with Andreas Risch, P.T. D.O. at the Physiotherapie Center, Eichstatt, Germany (July 2003, 2004, 2005)
Elusive Balance
Course combining Somatic methods & improvisation to investigate the connection between the physical body & the emotional self for professional dancers, Somatic teachers & psychology professors
Chisenhale Dance Space, London, England. The Metropolitan University, Manchester, England. Ludus Dance Company, Lancaster, England. (All in July 2003)
Treatment Plans for Individual Client Case-Studies
In-services for Pilates & fitness instructors at the Sports Club San Francisco (Feb 2003 & June 2003)
Using Pilates-based principles to address scoliosis
Individual client at Canyon Ranch Spa, Tucson, AZ (2001-2004)
Observational Gait Analysis for the Professional Pilates Instructor
In-service for the Dance Medicine Specialists at St. Francis Hospital (11/2002) & the fitness instructors of Club One Inc. (Oct 2001) San Francisco CA
Healthy Walking: Guidelines for functional walking patterns
Members of The Metropolitan Club, San Francisco, CA (5/2002)
Movement as Treatment Modality for Children with Neurologic Damage
Presentation at TASC Network Pediatrics Medical Conferences in New York City & Tiburon, CA (June 1999 & Nov 1999)
Introduction to Principles of Functional Anatomy in Movement
Course for instructors (tennis pro, swim coach, fitness trainers, yoga & aerobic teachers) at The Claremont Resort, Berkeley, CA (Aug 1999)
In Balance: Functional & Expressive
Courses to decrease injury and increase expressive range for dance and psychology students at Mills College, Oakland, CA (Nov 1998 & March 1995)
Therapeutic Movement to Treat Symptoms of Neuro-degenerative & Systemic diseases
Courses for healthcare professionals and patients in treating Parkinson’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Multiple Sclerosis, pediatric AIDS, Cancer, Hepatitis, & Herpes, Key West, FL (Nov 1997), Santa Fe, NM (Dec 1998)
Supporting the Voice: Integration of Breath with Movement
Workshop for the members of the Atlanta Opera Company, Atlanta, GA (July 1997)
Injury Prevention: Course for Movement Therapist certification candidates
Moving On Center: School for Participatory Arts & Research, Oakland CA (April 1997 & 1998)
Principles of Functional Movement Applied to Ballroom Dance
Workshops for the faculty of the Metronome Ballroom, SF, CA (May 1996 & 1998)
Applications of Pilates-based Methods to Degenerative Joint Disease (July 1995)
Special Population Symposium for the California Personal Trainers Association, SF, CA
Anatomy & Bartenieff Fundamentals
Course for Movement Therapist certification candidates at Moving On Center: School for Participatory Arts & Research, Oakland CA (Oct 1995)
Bartenieff Fundamentals, Movement Analysis with basic Anatomy & Kinesiology, & Pre-Technique
3 separate courses taught for 4 summers to dance students at the White Mt. Summer Dance Festival at Bard College, NH (July 1995 – 1998)
Dynamic Cervico-thoracic & Scapula Stabilization Training
Integrating Pilates & Physical Therapy principles, co-taught with Andreas Risch, P.T. & D.O., in San Francisco (April 1995)
Rehabilitation of the Dancer Using Pilates-based Methods
Presentation at the Medicine & Therapy for the Arts Conference, HealthSouth Doctors’ Hospital, Miami FL (March 1995)
Integrated Movement Through Dynamic Trunk Stabilization
Presentation at the 3rd Symposium on the Science & Somatics of Dance, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Feb 1995)
Dynamic Lumbopelvic Stabilization Training Using Pilates-based Techniques
Seminar integrating Pilates & Physical Therapy, co-taught with Andreas Risch, P.T. & D.O., San Francisco, CA (Jan 1995)
Applications of the Pilates Method to Massage
Training for the faculty of the Atlanta School of Massage, Atlanta, GA (Aug 1994)
Body Basics Teacher Training
Certification course in movement analysis & functional anatomy related to the Pilates method, Miami, FL (6/1994) & San Francisco, CA (Nov 1994)
Injury Prevention for Aikido
Course for students at Dogwood Aikikai Dojo, Atlanta GA (5/1994 & 8/1994)
Clinical Applications of Pilates Method for Health Care Professionals
Course for Doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, & physical therapists, Atlanta GA (May 1994 & Aug 1994)
Therapeutic Movement for Post-Operative Cancer patients
National Lymphodema Network annual conference, SF, CA (1993)
Therapeutic Movement for Pregnancy
Classes for pregnant women at the San Francisco Bay Club, SF, CA (1990-92)