Upcoming Events

For more information on any upcoming event, please email Jennifer directly at: jennifer@jenniferbury.com

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation” ~Plato

“Moving Moments: Finding Ourselves and Each Other”
90-minute online interactive workshop, hosted by The Gestalt Therapy Institute of Los Angeles (GTILA) as part of their Salon Series
Where: Online
Date: Sunday, March 23rd 2025, 10-11:30am Pacific Time
Price: $13 USD
Registration: via Eventbrite here

In times of uncertainty, agency is reclaimed and new meanings are formed through our interactions with the world.  When we diminish the experience of our living bodies, we lose touch with our dynamically engaged, kinesthetically attuned selves, distancing ourselves from each other, the world, and the very animation that drives and structures our lives.  

This workshop views movement as the foundation of all contacting. Kinetic engagement with one’s own body – and the bodies of others – can simultaneously make us aware of our own basic fragility, our interconnectedness, and our power to create ourselves and our lives.  By paying attention to the movement within us, between us, and around us, we  make sense of the world.  This workshop will include movement-based experiments, lectures, and shared discoveries to help foster our kinesthesia and increase our awareness of how we are simultaneously shaping our interactions and being shaped by them.  In this way each can participate in inventing themselves and the world with, and through, each other.

Fostering Contact Online through Kinesthetic Resonance, 2020

Online Somatic Study & Supervision Group:  Spring 2025 series
Each session starts with a brief check in or group movement experiment to stimulate our sensory awareness, followed by a presentation on an aspect of Gestalt and DSP™ theory to focus our time together.  Participants share their responses, ask questions, and bring clients for the group to consider.  Supervision is offered from the perspective of contact as interaction. Giving our attention to the movement within us, between us, and around us, takes us away from the person’s story and brings us to the immediate interaction happening between us.  This allows us to explore our current responses which can illuminate unrecognized feelings and perceptions.  Practicing this form of sensory exploration with each other is particularly helpful in being able to carry this approach into our work, and lives.  The group is made up of people from across the world with different backgrounds and training which makes for a dynamic mix of perspectives.

Where: Online
Dates: This series of 4 sessions meets for one hour and 15 minutes, on Thursdays 9-10:15 am Pacific Time, which is 6-7:15 pm CET.
The Spring 2025 series dates are: February 13, March 13, April 10, and May 15
Price: Cost for the series of 4-meetings is $180 USD.
Registration: Email Jennifer if you’re interested in participating in Spring 2025 series
Registration closes February 1st, 2025!

“Meeting in Motion”, Munich Germany, 2016

“Embodied Exploration: Discovery through Movement, Sound, & Imagery
In-person workshops meeting in San Francisco every quarter starting April 2024
In collaboration with movement artist and educator Felicitas Fischer
Where: Joe Goode Annex, 401 Alabama Street, San Francisco CA
Dates: 2025 dates TBA
More information and registration here!
We welcome all bodies (18+), no prior movement or dance experience needed, just a desire to move and be met!

These workshops offer a safe, non-competitive, and creative space to uncover the innate wisdom of your body in connection to others. Each workshop begins with a somatic centering and light warm-up before diving into guided movement explorations that include sensory awareness, self reflection, and discussion of our co-created discoveries. The movement experiments are designed to illuminate our preferred patterns and root us in our bodies as vital, living-feeling beings in dynamic relationship with the world. Each workshop has a specific area of exploration and is also shaped by the inherent needs and themes that exist in the here and now, allowing the group’s interests to come through in structure and focus during our time together.

~ This class draws from principles rooted in Bartenieff Fundamentals, Laban Movement Analysis, Authentic Movement, and Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™ (DSP).

“A DSP™ Perspective on the Practical Application of an Aesthetic Approach within a Therapeutic Model”
Assisted and translated by Gestalt therapist & somatic educator Miguel Islas
Where: Center for Relational Kinetics, Mexico City, Mexico
Dates: Spring 2025, dates TBA
Registration information to come!

This day-long workshop will focus on the practical application of Developmental Somatic Psychology™ within the therapeutic setting.  Through attention to our aesthetic experience we can become aware of qualities and movements which shape how we experience ourselves and others.  Attending to these immediate responses as they emerge between us, allows us to address long held perceptions of self and the world in the moment. In this way it is possible to re-shape deeply held stances and traumas with the compassionate attention of another feeling, sensing human.

This interactive workshop will include guided movement exercises, self-reflection and discussion, theory presentations, interactive practice exercises, and a demonstration session.  These elements are designed for practitioners of all modalities to learn the practical application of this phenomenological and aesthetic approach within a therapeutic model.

* DSP is a phenomenological and movement-oriented approach within a contemporary gestalt therapy framework created by Ruella Frank Ph.D.

Intro to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™ in Ljubljana, Slovenia
3-Day in-person workshop in preparation for a 2-year in-person DSP certification training
Where: Vija Vaja, Dolenjska Cesta 43, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dates: September, 2025, details TBA
Price: TBA

Events from 2024

“Everything, Everywhere, Every Moment”
90-minute online interactive workshop, hosted by Humans of Gestalt. This is part of the first “OpenGestalt conference: an International Experiment in Dialogue”
Where: Online
Date: October 20, 2024, 9-10:30am PDT
Price: FREE! but registration required
Registration: click here

This workshop focuses on fostering our kinesthesia through movement experiments designed to increase our awareness of how we co-create our experience. When we attend to the aesthetics of our experience we rediscover ourselves as vital beings, engaged in an ongoing dialogue with others, and as an integral part of a dynamic world. Just as our lived sensory experience guides us, experiencing our own choices in contrast to the choices of others, expands our repertoire of how to be with our clients, with each other, and how to respond as part of a dynamic world. In a time of discord and alienation, the recognition of this ongoing dialogue offers a shift from feelings of isolation from each other and fear for ourselves and our planet, to a sense of being an active participant, caring for each other and our world.

Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™: Meeting in Motion
3-hour in-person workshop for Gestalt trainees of CIIS’ Counseling Clinics
Where: Church Street Integral Counseling Center, San Francisco CA
Dates: October 23, 2024, 2-5pm PT
Registration open to all currently enrolled CIIS students within the Department of Counseling Psychology

Contact is interaction. Our breathing, gestures, and facial expressions convey how we are, often more accurately than our words.  By attending to the movements which emerge within us and around us, we can learn what we’re doing and how it has served us.  This insight into our familiar patterns presents us with fresh choices opening the possibility for change and growth. The recognition that each of our responses is part of an ongoing, co-created dance invites us to explore with one another as therapist with client, as well as in our myriad other daily interactions.
This introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™ recognizes that all the principles of Gestalt are already happening with every move we make, throughout our lives.  This in-person, interactive training combines theoretical learning, demonstration, and movement-based experiments in dyads and as a group.  Over time this relational practice helps restore a bodily knowing, assisting in our ability to orient clearly and to maneuver freely through the world.

“Perception Through Interaction”
2-hour in-person presentation and interactive workshop at the annual conference of the German Association for Gestalt Therapy (DVG): “Mit Körper, Leib und Seele – Konzepte und Methoden der Gestalttherapie”
Where: Göttingen, Germany
Date: May 10-12, 2024
Register through DVG here

DSP Training, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2019

“Making Meaning in Motion: An Intro to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™”
3-Day in-person workshop for the The Institute of Family Therapy (SLOGES)
Assisted by Gestalt psychotherapist David Dagg-Murry
Where: Vija Vaja, Dolenjska Cesta 43, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dates: May 17-19, 2024
Friday 9:00-13:00
Saturday 9:30-16:30
Sunday 9:30-13:00
Price: €270, for SLOGES Members €250
Register on SLOGES website here or email Jana Persic at info@sloges.si for help in English

This introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™ (DSP) explores the early infant movement patterns which form the relational base for how we interact as adults, both in therapeutic settings and everyday life.  As we continue to develop and learn new ways of moving through the world, this essential foundation of how we communicate remains.  These subverbal interactions form the basis of our lived experience, shaping how we respond to others as well as how they respond to us.  When we feel how we are creating our narrative in the moment we have the possibility to change the narrative.

Heightening awareness of the client’s tactile-kinetic-kinesthetic experiences can create an environment from which the client can take relational support. Over time this relational practice helps restore a bodily knowing, assisting the client to orient clearly and to maneuver freely through the world.

This interactive training combines theoretical and experiential learning, in the form of lecture, discussion and movement-based experiments. Practitioners from all training modalities are welcome to integrate this approach into their existing area of expertise – whether working in-person or online.

As seen in Gestalt News & Notes

„The relationship of the living person to the world is …a strange dance that projects the living person into the body of the world and the world into the body of the living person.”
~ (Emanuele Coccia)

“Inside Outside: Moving into Awareness Together
2-Day in-person workshop in collaboration with nature dialog companion Beate Zeller trained in NatureDialogueApproach.
Where: Munich, Germany
Day 1/Saturday, May 25: at Bewegungsraum, Heßstr. 45, 80798 Munich
Day 2/Saturday, May 26: at U-Bahn Alte Heide, Northern Part English Garden, Munich
Dates: May 25 & 26, 2024, 2 to 6 pm CET
Price: 210€ (Early bird price 180€ until April 2nd, 2024)
This workshop is open to everybody! 18+
Instruction in English and German
Registration now closed!

This workshop focuses on using movement to strengthen our connection to each other and the natural world. By learning to listen with our whole body we will be reintroduced to the sensuous experience of being alive.  Through simple movement experiments we can rediscover our own vitality as moving-feeling-beings and the integral role we play as part of this dazzling world.

We will be inside for the first day and outside in nature for the second day. Starting inside allows us to slow down to notice the subtle, familiar movements which connect us to each other.   Movement-based experiments in pairs and as a group provide the opportunity to attend to how we’re co-creating our perceptions through our gestures and actions. Recognizing this ongoing dialogue invites us to experiment with new ways of responding and moving in relationship to each other and our shared world.  Both inside and outside, we will take time to assimilate our experiences and express our discoveries, so we can learn from each other as we go.

This workshop is for everyone interested in increasing their sensory awareness overall, to better know ourselves and feel closer to each other. These principles are applicable in a variety of settings and modalities, including psychotherapy, bodywork and somatic/movement therapies, relationships with loved ones and work colleagues, as well as life’s daily interactions.

No movement experience required, just a desire to move and be met!

Individual sessions in Munich, May 27-31, 2024:
Jennifer is offering individual, in-person sessions while in Munich. Please email her directly (in German or English) to schedule.

Munich, 2016

“Meeting Before Knowing”
4-hour Pre-conference workshop with Gestalt therapist and Somatic Educator Miguel Islas at the 2024 IAAGT’s Biennial Conference: Re-Imagining and Co-Creating
Where: Veracruz, Mexico
Dates: September 17-22, 2024
To register click here

Wonder is inspired when we encounter the unknown and become curious or astonished.  This feeling is diminished when we stay with what is familiar.  This workshop encourages us to dare to move beyond what we have imagined into the novelty of this co-created, wondering moment. By re-sensitizing ourselves through movement-based, relational explorations we will facilitate our kinesthetic attentiveness to the qualities that are defining the emerging experience of contacting.  In this way we can move beyond our presumptions, to the freedom of meeting our clients, each other, and the world around us, anew.  Rather than trying to interpret each other, this “anonymous moment” reveals our essential interconnectedness, and the mystery and treasures which we can only discover together.

“Meeting Before Knowing” workshop at the IAAGT Conference, Veracuz Mexico, Sept 2024

“Come To Your Senses”
2-hour interactive workshop at the 2024 IAAGT’s Biennial Conference: Re-Imagining and Co-Creating
Where: Veracruz, Mexico
Dates: September 17-22, 2024
To register click here

Contacting is co-created interaction. It is how we first orient to the world, and this phenomenological form of learning continues throughout our lives. This workshop focuses on fostering our kinesthesia through group movement experiments to increase our awareness of how we co-create our experience; How we are simultaneously shaped by our environment and are shaping it. When we attend to the aesthetics of our experience we rediscover ourselves as vital beings, engaged in an ongoing dialogue with others, and as an integral part of a dynamic world. Giving merit to our lived, sensory experience guides us and expands our choices of how to be with our clients, with each other, and how to move through an ever-changing world.

San Francisco, 2019

“Meeting the Challenges of the Future by Returning to Kinesthetic Resonance: A Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™ Perspective”
3-hour workshop at the 4th Conference presented by the Organization for Humanistic Psychotherapy (AGHPT): “Psychotherapy for the Challenges of the Future”
Where: Goethe University, Frankfurt Germany

DSP Stockholm training, 2019

“An Exploration of DSP™: Let’s Get Physical; Let us hear our bodies talk”
2-Day online workshop through the Gestalt Training institute of Philadelphia (GTIP)
In collaboration with Gestalt therapist Karen Ginsburg LCSW, LMT
Where: Online
When: March 23 & 24, 2024, 10am-4pm ET
Continuing Education: this workshop offers 10 CEs

Let’s Get Physical offers an experiential exploration of key concepts in Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™, a relational and movement based approach to therapy created by Dr. Ruella Frank. This workshop provides a space in which to gently and playfully pay attention to our senses, which are the foundation of our experience.  Noticing the myriad gestures, smells, sights, sounds, tastes around us, and within us, returns us to the immediacy of what is happening now. By paying attention to ourselves in this way, habits can be re-inhabited and new pathways of being, relating, and practicing therapy can emerge.

The trainers bring many years of practice working online using techniques they have developed for conveying the felt experience of contact within the virtual medium. They will draw primarily from Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™, as well as from their rich backgrounds as performers, movement therapists and psychotherapists. The workshop will offer presentation of theory, large and small group movement explorations, processing and demo sessions.

Let’s Get Physical is a playground to fine tune your instrument and to enter more deeply into our unique experience of being alive. It is for anyone who wants to discover more spontaneous and satisfying interactions: patient/therapist, coach/client, partner/partner, employer/employee, parent/child, teacher/student.

We welcome all bodies and abilities, no movement experience is required.

“Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™ (DSP): Developing Kinesthetic knowing”
2-day Online workshop presented by The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland (GIC):
This stand-alone training is also a prerequisite for the “Introduction to DSP™” online workshop series starting in 2024
Where: Online
When: February 24-262023, and again on December 2nd & 3rd, 2023

Continuing Education: this workshop offers both (CE): 10 and (ICF CCE): 10
Register through GIC’s website here. Registration closes November 24th, 2023!
The moving dynamic of relationship is simultaneously being shaped by our past perceptions even as we re-shape those perceptions in the present moment. By recognizing and staying with our existing sensory and kinesthetic experience within this dynamic, we create the opportunity for our client to discover new ways of contacting. Sensitivity to this kinesthetic resonance allows us to recognize the existing narrative and shape a different one together in the moment. Over time, layering of these new experiences can affect profound change.
Attention will be given to experiential learning through relational movement-based experiments, as well as grounding these experiences in DSP™ theory and its Gestalt foundation. This workshop focuses on recognizing the inner wisdom which emerges in the spaces around words, and specifically how to discover this knowing within the relational model.
This workshop is for anyone who wants to better understand themselves in relationship: patient/therapist, partner/partner, employer/employee, parent/child, teacher/student – and how to discover more spontaneous and free exchanges, whether in-person or online.
This is an online workshop via Zoom, not a process group, and requires both video and audio participation in order to attend to sensory information, a key aspect of DSP.

“Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™️”
For the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) Church Street Integral Counseling Center
Online training on the application of DSP theory to Gestalt clinical practice Online
(July 2020 & 2023 & 2024)